Good Energy

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    • Ignore the diet wars. Your body has the answers.

    • Free yourself from the word “diet” forever.

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    It seems that everywhere we look, there’s a new study saying that some food is totally off-limits. The carnivores and vegans are at war on social media. One day eggs are out. Then kale. Then butter. What about sourdough? Research shows that over 50% of Americans are confused by nutrition and the conflicting information makes them doubt their choices. Meanwhile, our country is getting sicker by the year. The more research published on nutrition and diet, the more confused we seem to be about nutrition. Meanwhile, there are no animals in the wild with widespread rates of chronic illness. What gives?

    My friend, Dr. Casey Means, thinks the answer to this mass confusion is actually straight forward, and she presents this case in her new book Good Energy: The Surprising Connection between Metabolism and Limitless Health. What is Good Energy? It’s metabolic health. Diets that meet the needs of the cell minimize the “Bad Energy” trifecta of chronic inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and oxidative stress. Without the Bad Energy trifecta at play, we generally will feel great and live longer, healthier lives.

    When it comes to choosing the right diet, Casey argues that we need to look at food as molecular information and simply match that information with the needs of our cells. If the cells get what they need, we have health. If they don’t – or, if they are overburdened with too much stuff they don’t need– we get symptoms and disease. The body can meet its needs through many different thoughtful dietary strategies if those strategies meet the needs of the cell and promote Good Energy in the body.

    A Good Energy meal includes the following 5 components:

    1. Fiber

    2. Omega-3 fats

    3. Healthy protein

    4. Micronutrient source

    5. Probiotic source

    And it eliminates the Unholy Trinity of 3:

    1. Refined grains

    2. Refined sugars

    3. Refined seed oils

    We can incorporate these principles into really any dietary philosophy, from plant-based to keto.

    And the most exciting part is you don’t have to trust your diet on blind faith at all – that’s the beauty of the time we are living in today! In fact, Dr. Means says we absolutely shouldn’t trust nutritional dogma (or even put too much stock in nutrition research) at all – much of which is compromised by conflicts of interest and reports averages, rather than individual responses.

    Dr. Means suggests that we should experiment with dietary patterns that are in alignment with our preferences and values, are loaded with unprocessed organic foods grown in the healthiest soils, and that include the 5 Good Energy components (and eschew the Unholy Trinity). Then we should learn to trust ourselves and find ways to answer with certainty whether the “diet” is working for us. We gain that certainty through 2 critical ways of learning to interpret the signals from our body.

    We examine:

    What symptoms do we have and how do we feel?

    What are our biomarkers telling us?

    If we understand these two things, we can know if our diet is working for us. Yes, we need to create the space and stillness in our life to feel the symptoms from our body and learn the basics of key metabolic biomarkers and what they mean. But Dr. Means argues that we all have the ability to do both those things. We live at a time where we have direct access (no doctor needed) to wearables, biosensors, and direct-to-consumer lab testing and imaging that allows us an incredibly granular picture of our health and an understanding of the immediate impact of the choices we’re making.

    We also live in a time where we know that symptoms are signals that our cells’ needs aren’t getting met. Through the innovations of functional medicine and traditional wisdom, we’re finally re-learning that our body has incredible intelligence and is “talking” to us all the time, if we choose to listen.

    The future of health is empowered, and it's about understanding our bodies, rather than blind trust and getting caught up in the controversies and confusion that benefit industry, not us.

    Good Energy is THE guidebook to how anyone can improve metabolic health, feel incredible, avoid disease, and age well. The book outlines all of the key tools needed to understand your own health, and strategies for all the habits that lead to good energy. It also includes 30 easy to make, and incredibly delicious Good Energy recipes!

    Ready to take control of your health? Pre-order Good Energy today, for yourself, or for a friend or family member. Let’s be honest, the world needs some more good energy so let’s spread #GoodEnergy together.

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    • Ignore the health and diet controversies. Learn to trust YOURSELF.

    • When it comes to health, trust yourself.

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    My friend Dr. Casey Means is pointing out some tough realities in her new book, Good Energy: The Surprising Connection between Metabolism and Limitless Health. She notes that as our country:

    • Creates more medical subspecialties

    • Spends more on healthcare costs

    • Prescribes more pills

    • Builds more gyms

    • Publishes more nutrition and exercise studies

    We are actually getting… sicker. And life expectancy is going… down.

    The more we seem to do and spend, the worse things are getting. What gives?

    The answer lies in the simple fact that we are pointing the arrow of all that cost and effort at the wrong problem. We are focused on the downstream manifestations of diseases, rather than on the cellular physiology that causes the disease itself. Therefore, no matter how much we do and how much we spend, we won’t get better. Dr. Means argues that we could specialize infinitely, drug infinitely, and spend infinitely, and it won’t fix our suffering. We MUST shift our collective energy on the real issue that is brewing inside of the vast majority of our cells: metabolic dysfunction.

    Dr. Means suggests that the siloing and medicalization of chronic disease in the past fifty years has been an abject failure. Today, we’ve siloed diseases and have a treatment for everything:

    ✅ High cholesterol? See a cardiologist for a statin.

    ✅ High fasting glucose? See an endocrinologist for metformin.

    ✅ Depressed? See a psychiatrist for a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).

    ✅ Can’t sleep? See a sleep specialist for Ambien.

    ✅ PCOS? See an ob-gyn for clomiphene.

    ✅ Erectile dysfunction? See a urologist for Viagra.

    ✅ Sinus infections? See an ENT for an antibiotic or surgery.

    But what nobody talks about, and what Dr. Means points out that many doctors don’t even realize, is that the rates of most of these conditions are going up at the exact time we are spending trillions of dollars to “treat them.”

    The answer to the future of health and prosperity will actually be all about connection, not siloes. We will rectify the plummeting state of American health when we truly internalize the following 4 key connections around us, including the…

    1. Connection between the root causes of nearly ALL of our symptoms and diseases through metabolic dysfunction and the trifecta of Bad Energy.

    2. Connection between our bodies and the natural world, including sun, soil, air, food, water.

    3. Connection between humans in deep trusting relationships as a foundation for nervous system regulation. Loneliness is killing us.

    4. Connection between life and death is an endless cycle that we are a part of.

    When we internalize these realities, we build a foundation for the future of health on real, solid footing. We focus on healing metabolic dysfunction, rather than playing whack-a-mole with the downstream symptoms of that dysfunction. We focus on wellness behaviors and daily habits that honor our inextricable link to the sun, soil, air, our food, and water by buying and eating organic clean food, getting outside, drinking clean water, and breathing fresh air. We focus on creating the space and time to connect deeply with friends and loved ones in real life. And we meditate on the true nature of our lives as part of an eternal and miraculous process of matter and energy that is awe-inspiring, not scary.

    From this solid footing, we cultivate a wellspring of abundance in our life that is the foundation for true health and healing for ourselves and our system. Dr. Means promises that “Through reading Good Energy, you’ll gain a clear and accessible roadmap for incredible mental and physical health, for today and in the future.”

    The great news is that we are living in a time when we have the POTENTIAL to live the longest and healthiest lives in human history. How? Because the following realities have all converged at this moment in time. We have access to:

    1. Every piece of published biomedical research is at the tip of our fingers.

    2. Direct to consumer lab testing, wearable devices, and biosensors that give us a more granular picture of our own health than ever before.

    3. The vast and incalculable health wisdom from global traditions and cultures through books and the web.

    4. An evidence-based understanding that developing body awareness (also known as “interoception”) and seeing our symptoms as clues from the body about what it needs can tell us an immense amount about how to move forward in our health journey

    Good Energy is THE guidebook to how anyone can improve metabolic health, feel incredible, avoid disease, and age well. The book outlines all of the key tools needed to understand your own health, and strategies for all the habits that lead to good energy. It also includes 30 easy to make, and incredibly delicious good energy recipes!

    Ready to take control of your health? Pre-order Good Energy today, for yourself, or for a friend or family member. Let’s be honest, the world needs some more good energy so let’s spread #GoodEnergy together.

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  • Subject Line Options:

    • The truth (that no one wants you to know) about all chronic diseases

    • Ever wondered how to really avoid disease?

    • How to feel incredible and prevent disease

    • The only health book you’ll ever need to avoid disease

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    Have you ever wondered if you can avoid disease, even if it “runs in your family?”

    “Disease isn't some random occurrence that might happen in the future. It is a result of the choices you make and how you feel today. If you are battling annoying and seemingly nonlethal health issues-like fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, arthritis, infertility, erectile dysfunction, or chronic pain—an underlying contributor to these conditions is generally the same thing that will lead to a "major" illness sometime later in life.” And that underlying contributor is metabolic issues, or what she calls “Bed Energy”: an issue with the fundamental process in our body that makes energy from food to power our cells.

    From her new book, Good Energy, my friend Dr. Casey Means challenges us to face the truth about how energy is created in the body and understand how the siloed health system and corrupt food system perpetuate bad energy, which leads to disease.

    Did you know that depression, anxiety, acne, infertility, insomnia, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s dementia, cancer, and most other conditions that torture and shorten our lives are actually rooted in the same thing?

    In Good Energy, Dr. Means lays out how these conditions are all rooted in the cellular mismatch of Bad Energy, where the modern environments we are living in are not supporting our cells’ needs on any level. Our culture around food, sleep, movement, stress, and even temperature and light are not matching the metabolic needs of our cells, so they are dysfunctional. However, Dr. Means points out that our ability to achieve ‘Good Energy’, and prevent and reverse chronic conditions, is under our control. And it is much simpler than we’ve been led to believe.

    The ability to make good energy in our bodies is the most important and least understood factor in our overall health, and the biggest blindspot in healthcare.

    The siloing and medicalization of chronic disease in the past fifty years has been an abject failure. Today, we’ve siloed diseases and have a treatment for everything:

    ✅ High cholesterol? See a cardiologist for a statin.

    ✅ High fasting glucose? See an endocrinologist for metformin.

    ✅ Depressed? See a psychiatrist for a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).

    ✅ Can’t sleep? See a sleep specialist for Ambien.

    ✅ PCOS? See an ob-gyn for clomiphene.

    ✅ Erectile dysfunction? See a urologist for Viagra.

    ✅ Sinus infections? See an ENT for an antibiotic or surgery.

    But what nobody talks about, and what Dr. Means points out that many doctors don’t even realize, is that the rates of most of these conditions are going up at the exact time we are spending trillions of dollars to “treat them.”

    The solution lies in diet and lifestyle, and Dr. Means promises that “Through reading Good Energy, you’ll gain a clear and accessible roadmap for incredible mental and physical health, for today and in the future.”

    This book is THE guidebook to how anyone can improve metabolic health, feel incredible, avoid disease, and age well. The book outlines all of the key tools needed to understand your own health, and strategies for all the habits that lead to good energy. It also includes 30 easy to make, and incredibly delicious good energy recipes!

    Ready to take control of your health? Pre-order Good Energy today, for yourself, or for a friend or family member. Let’s be honest, the world needs some more good energy so let’s spread #GoodEnergy together.

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  • Title: 5 things you can do today to have GOOD ENERGY

    Having “Good Energy” is the core underlying physiological function that, more than any other process in your body, determines your predilection to great mental and physical health or to poor health and disease. What is Good Energy? It’s optimal metabolic health.

    And Good Energy is so much more than that. It’s a radical re-imagination of the limitless potential within each of us as a miraculous human being on this planet. You see, within each of our cells is the machinery to transform the energy stored in food into energy that our human cells can use to power our thoughts, our feelings, our actions, and our lives. Metabolism is our lifeforce.

    Unfortunately, 93% of Americans suffer from “Bad Energy,” also known as metabolic dysfunction. These numbers sound high until you realize how many levers of modern society are stacked against our mitochondria and metabolism: too much sugar, too much stress, too much sitting, too much pollution, too many pills, too many pesticides, too many screens, too little sleep, and too little micronutrients, to much artificial light. These trends—with trillions of dollars behind them pushing them into every aspect of our lives—are causing epidemic levels of mitochondrial dysfunction and underpowered cells and sick, inflamed bodies.

    What would it feel like to have your body functioning optimally, for your body to just be at ease enjoying this human experience, your mind to be working clearly and creatively, and to feel that your life is established on a steady and strong source of inner power? Imagine a powerful life force from within that allows you to take on each day with pleasure, energy, gratitude, and joy.

    Having Good Energy means both looking and feeling good inside and out, all stemming from unleashing the metabolic potential inside each of our cells that allows for cellular energy production to work well. When our cells are powered properly, we feel it: energy, vitality, good mood, fewer symptoms. When you hold the keys to having Good Energy, you feel electric, and you can avoid chronic metabolic diseases, and age well. The solution to prevent and reverse chronic conditions and feel incredible every day is under our control. And it’s simpler than we’ve been led to believe.

    My new book, Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health is the clear and accessible roadmap for achieving GOOD ENERGY, and it transcends all dietary dogma or rigid health ideologies. It’s based on understanding your OWN body and trusting the signals that it can tell you through symptoms, wearable data, and biomarker testing. Your body has all the answers to guide you to the healthiest life, you just need to learn how to listen.

    The book shares 25 of the most important habits to cultivate Good Energy, and I’ll share 5 of them here today:

    1. Eliminate the holy trinity - refined added sugars, refined grains, and refined industrial seed oils - from your diet. These foods are destructive to our cells, and are found in almost every processed food on the grocery store shelves. If you commit to shunning these from your lives (one of the best decisions you can make), you will naturally gravitate towards more unprocessed food. Read all labels for “added sugars'' or seed oils (like vegetable oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, grapeseed oil), and use alternatives that are far more naturally produced like organic olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, butter, or ghee. In my book you’ll find a comprehensive list of what to avoid, and suggested alternative products.

    2. Add more fiber, probiotics, and omega-3s into your diet. Aim for 50g of fiber per day, three servings of probiotic-rich foods, and at least 2,000 milligrams a day of omega-3 fats. These foods provide the cell what they need to thrive. My favorite fiber sources are basil seeds, chia seeds, avocado, and black beans. My favorite probiotic sources are organic kvass, grass-fed greek yogurt, and sauerkraut. My favorite omega-3 sources are wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, flax seeds, and basil seeds.

    3. Move more throughout the day. Instead of thinking about exercise as a thing you do for one hour a day to check off the to-do-list, move throughout the day by building in short walking breaks, doing air squats in between meetings, scheduling hikes with friends instead of drinks or meals, or even getting a walking pad below your desk. This helps with glucose regulation, body-weight control, maintaining stable energy, and so much more. Our cells function best when our bodies are in motion.

    4. Stick to a defined eating window: Aim to eat within an approximately ten-hour window each day and aim to abstain from food for about 14 hours. This is far from a health fad or wellness tip– it’s a common sense strategy for giving your body time to rest without the constant burden of digestion, secreting hormones to respond to food, and managing glucose loads. Most Americans now eat over the course of 15 hours and have up to 11 “eating events” per day. That’s a lot of burden for the body! Taking a break from food during that 14 hour window helps our bodies practice—and over time, improve—the process of switching between burning glucose (after meals) and burning fat for energy (when you’re not eating). By restricting our eating window, we promote metabolic flexibility, and this reduces cravings and feelings of being “hangry.”

    5. Use clean personal care and home-care products: Overhaul the products used in your home and on your body to minimize your daily toxin exposure. Every time you run out of something, replace it with an unscented, non-toxic, eco-friendly alternative. Every chemical we put in or on our body needs to be managed, processed, and detoxified by our cells, which diverts our resources towards defense instead of thriving. There are over 80,000 synthetic chemicals that have entered our food, water, and air in the last 100 years, many of which directly harm our cells. Part of being healthy today is protecting yourself from them!

    These 5 strategies are just a few things that can radically unlock the potential in each of our cells, and change our lives. Practicing simple Good Energy habits is an act of rebellion.

    By engaging with these simple habits, you can thrive and minimize your risk for so many of the conditions related to suboptimal cellular energy production spanning depression, obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, infertility, and so many more.

    Order Good Energy for the full set of habits, including a comprehensive 4 week plan, to help you take control of your health and feel incredible, now and in the future.

    Sending you tons of ⭐Good Energy ⭐,

    Dr. Casey Means

  • Title options:

    • Creating a meal that supports your cellular health

    • How to craft a meal for GOOD ENERGY

    • The only meal framework you’ll ever need

    We eat on average 3 meals a day, and there is still mass confusion around what to eat, and what is “good” for you. Is kale in or out? What about eggs? Is sourdough better than whole wheat? Let’s simplify it down to one simple approach: having Good Energy.

    Good Energy is a framework to take all the confusion out of eating, and help you recognize that the confusion is manufactured by the industry to keep you doubting your choices. The reality is that eating can be simple and the diet wars and debates on what is good vs. bad for you, can end.

    This approach is predicated on understanding that our cells need specific things to function optionally, and then providing the cells with those things. Fortunately, you can get these things from many different dietary strategies, whether you are vegan or keto.

    In my new book, Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health, I say that "Good Energy is a vision for the future culture of health in our country that is radically empowered, much more joyful, and filled with awe and thriving. This is totally possible. It is based on supporting our cells with what they expect and need, understanding our own bodies and learning to interpret the incredibly rich signals from our bodies through symptoms, wearables, and biomarkers, and learning to trust ourselves and rise above the noise. You don't need to spend another day of your life confused and at the mercy of food marketing, diet dogma, and health confusion."

    Aiming for a Good Energy–supporting dietary plan is as simple as making sure you maximize five things and remove three things.


    1. Micronutrients and Antioxidants

    2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    3. Fiber

    4. Fermented Foods

    5. Protein


    1. Refined sugars of any kind

    2. Refined grains of any kind

    3. Refined industrial vegetable or seed oils of any kind

    Every day (and ideally every meal) should include the following - and you can get these nutrients on any diet.

    1. Micronutrients and Antioxidants: These tell the mitochondria, “You are resilient.”

    Micronutrients are small molecules—like magnesium, zinc, selenium, and B vitamins— facilitate the optimal action of many key biological processes, including how the body handles glucose. Try to increase antioxidants, micronutrients, and polyphenols through colorful plant diversity and spices. For example, fatty fish, eggs, and mushrooms are great sources of Vitamin D, and nuts, spinach and beans (black, kidney) are great sources of magnesium! The key here is to make sure your plate is filled with a colorful diversity of whole foods!

    2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These tell the cell “you are safe.”

    Getting enough omega-3s also limits the impact of omega-6s, a fatty acid that, in excess, is associated with inflammation. The standard Western diet contains a ratio of as much as 20:1 omega-6s to omega-3s when it should be closer to 1:1. The higher ratio is largely due to high consumption of refined seed and vegetable oils (including canola, soybean, vegetable, safflower, sunflower, and corn oils—all high in omega-6s) and less consumption of omega-3-rich whole foods, like wild fatty fish, chia seeds, flax- seeds, and walnuts. Your job with eating a better omega-3 to omega-6 ratio in food is to increase the probability that your cells manufacture the health-promoting, anti- inflammatory signaling molecules you need, like resolvins and protectins. Examples of omega-3 sources include chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, sardines, mackerel, herring, salmon, trout, and oysters.

    How much? Try to increase omega-3 intake to a minimum of 2,000 milligrams per day.

    3. Fiber: Fiber tells the microbiome, “I love you.”

    Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in plants that is not fully broken down by the body and therefore does not get converted to glucose in the bloodstream. Instead, the gut microbiome ferments fiber into beneficial “postbiotic” by-products like short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs)—including butyrate, acetate, and propionate—that get absorbed into the body through the gut and regulate metabolism and improve insulin and glucose levels, regulate hunger and appetite, as well as promote anti-inflammatory effects in the gut and body. Fiber can help protect the gut’s lining and mucus membrane, and slow digestion and absorption of nutrients. Excellent sources of fiber include chia seeds, basil seeds, flaxseeds, beans (especially lupini beans!), avocados, raspberries, konjac root, artichoke and more.

    How much? Eat over 50 grams of fiber per day

    4. Fermented Foods: These tell the body “We’re in this together.”

    The trillions of bacteria that make up our gut microbiome plays a critical role in digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, and mental health. Disruption to the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria in our gut can lead to various health issues, including digestive problems, inflammation, and even mood disorders. Probiotic-rich foods contain live microorganisms, such as beneficial bacteria and yeast, that are like those found naturally in our gut microbiome. When we consume these foods, the live microorganisms can colonize and multiply in our gut, helping to maintain a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria and supporting overall gut health. Some of the best sources include sauerkraut, fermented vegetables, kvass, minimally processed unsweetened yogurt, kefir, natto, tempeh and miso.

    How much? Eat three or more servings of probiotic-containing foods per day.

    5. Protein: Tells the cells, “Let’s build!”

    Dietary protein is an indispensable macronutrient that is essential for maintaining metabolic homeostasis. Protein is composed of amino acids, which serve as the structural and functional building blocks of numerous metabolic and physiological processes. Adequate protein intake is necessary for the stimulating the synthesis and maintenance of skeletal muscle tissue, which plays a key role in regulating metabolic health by being both a glucose absorbing sink, as well as releasing hormones called myokines that can be anti-inflammatory and improve insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, protein intake has been shown to impact energy balance and body weight regulation through its effects on satiety, heat production in the body, and fat metabolism. Protein cannot be an afterthought in our diet as it has been for decades, as so much of the critical metabolic processes in our bodies depend on it. As we get older and muscle mass naturally declines, we must actively fight this process with thoughtful protein intake and regular, consistent resistance training. The best ways to get more protein into your diet include organic and grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish and seafood, organic dairy products, eggs, legumes, soy products, and nuts and seeds.

    How much? Eat at least 30 grams of healthy whole food protein per meal.

    The pathway to GOOD ENERGY starts with your fork. The journey begins by simply putting more of the helpful molecular information on this utensil.

    Order Good Energy for the full list of foods, including 30 GOOD ENERGY recipes to help you craft GOOD ENERGY meals every day. I’ve also created an ultimate food list, that you can download here to take the confusion out of what counts as a GOOD ENERGY food, and with tons of examples of foods in each of the 5 categories.

    Sending you GOOD ENERGY!

    Dr. Casey

  • Instagram / Facebook

    1. Join the #GoodEnergy movement. Good Energy is about waking up and taking control of our health. Good Energy is a comprehensive framework that can heal our bodies, our communities, and our earth. Pre-order @ #GoodEnergy

    2. There is a better way than our current healthcare system, and it starts with understanding that the biggest lie in healthcare is that the root cause of why we’re getting sicker, heavier, more depressed, and more infertile is complicated. Depression, anxiety, acne, infertility, insomnia, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s dementia, cancer, and most other conditions that torture and shorten our lives are actually rooted in the same thing. The ability to prevent and reverse these conditions—and feel incredible today—is under your control and simpler than you think. To learn how, pre-order Good Energy by @drcaseyskitchen and @calleymeans at #GoodEnergy

    3. @drcaseyskitchen and @calleymeans powerfully explain how we can use metabolic health tools and strategies to support our own health and that of our children and families. Everyone will benefit from readying Good Energy. Pre-order @ #GoodEnergy #MetabolicHealth

    4. The pathway to health and having GOOD ENERGY starts with your fork. The journey begins by simply putting more of the helpful molecular information on this utensil. Learn what to eat, and how to take control of your health by pre-ordering @ #GoodEnergy #MetabolicHealth

    5. If you want to feel incredible, avoid disease, and age well, I suggest you get the new book GOOD ENERGY. It is the clear and accessible roadmap for how. Pre-order now @ or wherever books are sold. #GoodEnergy


    1. Disease isn't some random occurrence that might happen in the future. It is a result of the choices you make and how you feel today. Get the clear and accessible roadmap to avoid disease by pre-ordering GOOD ENERGY: #GoodEnergy @DrCaseysKitchen @calleymeans

    2. The reality is that every institution that impacts health-from medical schools to insurance companies to hospitals to pharma companies-makes money on "managing" disease, not curing patients. To take control of your health, pre-order GOOD ENERGY: #GoodEnergy

    3. At this moment we have the understanding and the tools to live the longest, happiest, healthiest lives in human history. The foundation of this is helping our cells make Good Energy. Learn how by pre-ordering GOOD ENERGY by @drcaseymeans: #GoodEnergy

    4. In GOOD ENERGY @drcaseymeans and @calleymans argue it’s not about protocols and the “optimization culture” but about mindset and radically simple habits you can implement to take control of your health, and feel better than ever. Pre-order GOOD ENERGY:

    5. There’s no life without energy. Our mitochondria know how to capture chemical energy & optimize it. But what if our cells are poisoned? @drcaseyskitchen brings the problem of cellular energy front and center to explain what’s really wrong in chronic disease and how to prevent it.

      • Follow-up tweet: Pre-order GOOD ENERGY: #GoodEnergy

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